Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday NYT: The Republican Party, Sex , and Autos

Interesting stuff in the Sunday NYT. On the editorial page, A Million Jobs, concerning the GM/Chrysler bailout. One could make the case that this was just an efficient reorganization that used the power of the government effectively. In any bailout, we should be worried about moral hazard, but in this case maybe the alternative was a private sector "reorganization," under which some organizational capital was lost forever. And you could add in Krugman's complementarity arguments. What do you think? Give me a counter-argument.

On another matter, not unrelated, is Maureen Dowd's column. I enjoy her column, though I don't always agree. She's good when confronting the Roman Catholic Church. I love this quote:
“Republicans being against sex is not good,” the G.O.P. strategist Alex Castellanos told me mournfully. “Sex is popular.”

Later on:
Their [Republicans'] jitters increased exponentially as they watched Mitt belly-flop in his hometown on Friday, giving a dreadful rehash of his economic ideas in a virtually empty Ford Field in Detroit, babbling again about the “right height” of Michigan trees and blurting out that Ann “drives a couple of Cadillacs.”
It looks like Romney will win the nomination, but he is going south (and that's not to Alabama or some such) with regard to November. I think his biggest problem is that he would probably score zero on this test.

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